
AI-generated content

Digital content that is produced by artificial intelligence algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages


Audio recording of a book, typically narrated by a professional voice actor. Audiobooks can be downloaded and played back on a variety of devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.


A section of a website or a website itself dedicated to the creation of articles and written posts about a specific theme.


It is a computer program that simulates and processes human conversation (either written or spoken), allowing humans to interact with digital devices as if they were communicating with a real person.


a computer programme that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to understand customer questions and automate responses to them. Chatbots are designed to improve on a daily-basis, each interaction they have feeds them new data that the AI utilize to improve the quality of the answer they provide for.


a computer network where files and programs can be stored, especially the internet

Content quality

It refers to the depth of information and insight contained within a piece of content.


Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless gas that, as part of the carbon cycle, is a natural part of our air. Through the decomposition processes of organic substances, CO₂ is naturally released into the atmosphere.

Critical thinking

Examining and analysing all media sources with scepticism, not taking any content for granted but trying to find the correct information among all the media content


Intentional and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computer, cell phones, and other electronic devices.


The electronic "universe" created by computer networks in which individuals interact


Repeated harassment using electronic devices and networked technology

Data Center

A data center is a building, a dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems.


an image or recording that has been convincingly altered and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said

Digital Citizenship:

The responsible use of technology and online communication to engage in digital communities and society.

Digital entertainment:

The use of technology and digital media for the purpose of entertainment, such as watching movies, playing video games, listening to music, and consuming other forms of digital content.

Digital Literacy

The ability to use digital technologies and tools to find, evaluate, and create information.

Digital Skills

The ability to use digital tools and technologies to accomplish tasks and solve problems


false or misleading content that is spread with an intention to deceive or secure economic or political gain, and which may cause public harm.


Wrong or biased information that is spread with malicious intent.


Competitive playing of video games, typically organized in organized leagues or tournaments with professional players and teams.

Echo chamber

according to DigComp, the term refers to “situations in social media and online discussion groups in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed, insulated system. Participants usually receive information that reinforces their existing views without encountering opposing views.”


The process of enabling individuals to take control of their own lives and make informed decisions, often through education and skill-building.

Filter bubble

“can result from personalised searches on the inter-net and/or social media when an algorithm selectively guesses what information a user would like to see based on information about the user, such as location, past click-behavior and search history. (DigComp 2.2.)”

Focal points

Focal points are large websites with a vast library of content more or less specialized on a specific theme / topics.

Focus question

The starting point to articulate a browsing, searching and filtering strategy, the thing that you want to answer to by implementing this strategy

in-app advertising

It refers to the practice of displaying advertisements within a mobile app or other types of software applications. This includes banner ads, interstitial ads, native ads, video ads, and more. However, users can quickly become annoyed by irrelevant or intrusive ads


The practice of creating equal access and opportunities for individuals regardless of their background, ability, or status.


An individual who can sway an audience through a digital platform and social media marketing.


features and items without which your SEARCH will not make sense / will not lead you to the desired results

Media literacy

Being media literate refers to a set of competences that enable people to be critical towards the media content and maximize advantages and minimize threats and harms of consuming media of all kinds


is false or misleading content shared without harmful intent though the effects can be still harmful.


Wrong information that is spread without malicious intent.

Neural Machine Translation (NMT)

NMT is an approach to machine translation that uses an artificial neural network to predict the likelihood of a sequence of words, typically modeling entire sentences in a single integrated model.


Digital audio files published and distributed on internet as a series of episodes


Podcasting is the preparation and distribution of audio files using RSS feeds to the computers of subscribed users. These files may then be uploaded to streaming services, which users can listen to on their smartphones or digital music and multimedia players, like an iPod. Search engine: a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web.


A piece of writing, image, or any other type of content published online, typically on a blog or on social media.


A methodology for evaluating digital content that stands for Relevancy, Appropriateness, Detail, Currency, Authority, and Bias.


A methodology for evaluating digital content that stands for Stop, Investigate, Find trusted sources, and Trace claims, quotes, and media back to the original context.

Search engine

A software program that allows you to do researches through keywords or phrases.


Real-time delivery of digital content, such as music, video, or live events, over the internet. This content is typically accessed and played back through an internet-connected device, such as a computer, smartphone, or smart TV.

Virtual assistant

A virtual assistant is a remote employee who offers administrative support for you and your business, usually part-time. An AI virtual assistant is an application program that understands natural language voice commands and completes tasks for the user.

Virtual reality experience

Digitally created environment that simulates a physical space, allowing users to interact with and explore the virtual environment using specialized equipment such as VR headsets, controllers, or gloves. Virtual reality experiences can include games, simulations, and other interactive content.


A zettabyte is a digital unit of measurement. One zettabyte is equal to one sextillion bytes or 1021 (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) bytes, or, one zettabyte is equal to a trillion gigabytes.
